Sunday, November 2, 2008

Post to a Blog from Google Docs

While most of you would have been using Google Docs for quite a long time now, perhaps many of you would still be unaware that Google Docs lets you post to a blog

just like Microsoft Word 2007. There are many benefits of using a blog publishing tool which I will mention in the end of the post.

For now I will simply teach you how to post to your blog via Google Docs.

Lets assume you have a document called “Blog Post” in your Google Docs account. First of all open the document and click the share button on the top right of your screen.

Click “publish as web page” and on the following screen click “change your blog site settings”.

Now a pop-up will open asking you to configure different settings for your blog.

For Wordpress, select “My own server/custom” and in the API select “MovableType API” and the rest of the fields are self-explained. Once you are done you can simply click the “Post to Blog” button and the post will be published right away.

The benefit of using a blog publishing tool is that you always have a backup

of your posts externally. Like if you use Google Docs as a blog publishing medium and later on something bad happens, you can always access the back-up posts in their original form on Google Docs.