Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Orkut getting new features :)

Gustavo Moura, (Google interaction designer) Say's

Have you noticed how the top of your orkut page is nicer now? Yes, that small bar with links to other Google products (such as Gmail, Maps and Books) just got new features!

The main change is a link to the new orkut settings window that you can open at any time:

Now all your orkut settings will be there in one easy place. Simply open the four tabs (Profile, Privacy, General and Notifications) to check your current settings. It will be faster than ever to change them the way you really want!

We also added to the top of the page a new link to change your profile color or theme:

Later, if you visit someone else's page and (totally) crave their theme, just grab it for yourself with the "get this theme" link that will also show up at the top of the page when you visit other orkut profiles:

I hope you enjoy both these new features!

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