Saturday, March 19, 2011

Google TV Remote for iPhone

Original post by Ambarish Kenghe (AK), Google TV Product Manager,

A very popular feature of Google TV to use your phone as a remote control. We released the Android version of the Google TV Remote app in December and I am happy to say that the app is now available for iPhones, iPads, and iPods running iOS 3 or higher.

Why would you want to use your phone as a remote control? We made this quick video tutorial1 when we released the app for Android, but the summary is:
  • Your
    phone improves standard TV remote activities like changing channels or
    accessing your DVR. I love using it at night, because the back light
    means I can see all the buttons in the dark and the buttons are easy to
    find. Watch
  • You
    can also interact with your TV in ways you never have before. For
    instance, try using the voice search to find your favorite shows and
    movies just by speaking into your phone. There should be less fighting
    over the remote, too, since multiple phones can work as remotes at the
    same time—you just need to agree on what to watch!
Download and try Google Search app today; it's available free from the iTunes App Store. You can also scan the QR code below.

Please note that the iOS remote does not currently support the sharing of web pages from phone to TV screen. Sorry.

see also: