Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Page for "Whats New on Orkut"

Sagari Venkata, (orkut operations team) Say's

Since we launched the new version of orkut, back in 2009, so much has changed around here! Because the new orkut was built on top of cutting edge technologies, we were able to add cool new features and improvements to orkut like never before.

With launches happening every month, we don't want you to miss out on any action! That's why we created a one-stop link for all the monthly updates on what's new on orkut:

This link was added to the right column of this blog, and will also be added to the orkut footer itself, so you can keep watching that space to see what's been keeping us busy.

You can also follow all the updates on that page by subscribing to it on Google Reader. Stay tuned!
