Thursday, June 2, 2011

Start your +1 Count(s) Now!

Original Post from Evan Gilbert, Software Engineer, +1 Button

Since we started rolling out the +1 button in March, you've been able to recommend content to your friends and contacts directly from Google search results and ads.

But sometimes you want to +1 a page while you're on it. After all, how do you know you want to suggest that recipe for chocolate flan if you haven't tried it out yet?


Today, we're releasing +1 buttons to the whole web. As a result, you might start seeing +1 appear on sites large and small across the Internet. We've partnered with a few sites where you'll see +1 buttons in the near future: 

Partner Logos

You'll also start to see +1 buttons on other Google properties such as Android MarketBloggerProduct Search and YouTube.

+1 is as simple on the rest of the web as it is on Google search. With a single click you can recommend that raincoat, news article or favorite sci-fi movie to friends, contacts and the rest of the world. The next time your connections search, they could see your +1's directly in their search results, helping them find your recommendations when they're most useful.

In the meantime, we're continuing to roll out the +1 button for English-language searches on If you want to +1 search results and search ads earlier, you can opt in through our experimental search site. To see recommendations from your friends and contacts in Google search, make sure you're signed into your Google Account

If you're a webmaster, you can get the +1 button code and learn more about implementation on our +1 webmaster site.

We hope you'll agree that +1 buttons across the web make it even easier for you to recommend content to your friends and contacts, and make search results even more helpful and relevant. 

see also: